Questions and Answers

Posted by Chris Lacey

This is where all the questions and asnwers are

Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.

The difference between XML and HTML sitemap is that XML site maps are created for search bots and html sitemaps are created for humans so that they could easily navigagte the website pages. Advantage of using HTML:

  • Easy to learn coding language
  • HTML is a light source code and has a faster load time
  • Useful for beginer web designers

Disadvantge of using HTML:

  • HTML security features are limited
  • HTML only uses static and plain language
  • Too many codes needs to be written for simple web page.

Advantage of using XML:

  • Supports unicode
  • Supports incremental updatess
  • International standards are what xml based on


  • XML is demanding and too precise when constructing a file
  • XML requires more storage space because it has redundant data
  • XML is harder to read for humans if that person doesn’t have basic training to be able to read this language
Evaluate three IDE’s (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer.

Visual Studio Code:

Positive: Supports for different languages such as html, css, php and many more. You can create your own extention inside VS Code. Also you can customise the programs dashboard and dockable window.

Negative: Less builtin features so the user would have to resort to downloading more extentions so that the user will have access to the features that they need but the more extentions they download the more the program will become resource hungry. For some people the software might be hard to learn when using VScode for the first time. Back to the first point about the negative side of VSCode is that when a user installs too many extentions or when that user is working on a large project then the program will have performance issues such as higher RAM ussage or draws more from the CPU.

Opion: From my experience with using this program from a trainee level I would have to say if I were to just stick with the basics and only use what the lecture says for extentions then it would be somewhat easy to learn and navigate after some time of using the software.

NetBeans: Possitive:

This app allows for remote deployment on the client’s pc which would be linked back to main server. Netbeans is compatible with Solaris platform, windows and more. This app supports drag and drop so that the user could just drag code text which the user wishes to work on and drop it into a box of a kind and they could imidently start working on that file.


Hard to use interface which will take a while to learn. This program is resource heavy so using the program will be slow on startup and sometimes the program may become unresponsive. Very limited support for other languages that are not java.


From what information I found out about this program I don’t think it would be beneficial for a trainee to learn how to use because of the step learning curve that is needed to be able to grasp the basics of this program unless the said trainee has a lot of free time or is able to devote extra time just in order to learn how to use this program.

Code Blocks: Positive:

Tabled interface is easy to navigate so that user’s won’t have a difficult time trying to find their files since the program has a list of open files. External tools which the user can customise. Free program and open source so users can make changes to the program to suit their needs.


Does not support html. Not suited for large projects. If the user forgets to close the output window after executing the C program the run option will be disabled until output window is closed.


From what I’ve read about this program it shoud be a good tool for trainee’s since it doesn’t come with too many tools that the proffesionals would need however if the trainee doesn’t know how to code in C++ and the other supported lanugages then I would suggest the trainee finds an IDE which supports html.

Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.

In 1980 web browsers came from hyperlink applications, then in 1990 the first web server and browser was made by Tim Berners Lee. Afterwards in 1993 a guy named Marc Andreessen made Mosaic. The issues that web developers encountered are platform compatibiity, ui designs, website performance and many more. The web standards that webdevelopers must adhere to are http, tcp/ip, dns and many more.

What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality.

Website testing methods are different test one could perform on website to test for different funtions of a website from compatibility testing to security testing and more. For website funtionality tests that could be undertaken this could be testing live URL to see if they work as intended or you could test to see if the forms on the website are working correctly on different devices or different browsers.

What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?

The requirements for NTG webpages is that the websites needs to be configured so that disable people can access them. The website needs to follow the WCAG 2.0 and also the UAAG which covers browsers that would be used or any extentions that may have been installed on the browser and also any other web application that renders the content on the website. The website must also use plain English and base words that doesn’t come across as offencesive to other religions.

How do you think it’s best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.

The best way to organise all the files that are uesed for the website on the pc and within the root folder of the website is to create sub folers within the local pc and root directory of the website. This will make identifying assests for the website more easier from finding which image belongs to what section of the website and who created that image for which section of the website. This also makes it easier for bots to scan the website when searching for something specific.